(UL Tennis Courts)
"All are welcome to join us at the UL Tennis Courts for our casual sessions! In these training sessions we play singles, doubles and some tennis minigames. You do need to bring your own tennis racket for the moment, however we hope to get club tennis rackets very soon so stay tuned! We do provide tennis balls for the session. You can attend any week you like, and we also have a session on Friday afternoons for anyone who can't make Monday. You can book one or two sessions a week. "
(Jonathan Swift Theatre (B1023))
"Writers Group is a beginner friendly workshop that is designed to teach you how to write for the stage!Come along to the Jonathan Swift and participate in games, discussions and writing exercises with other likeminded writers. Learn how to build a fictional world, create characters and tell a story through dialogue and stage directions. 6pm, Jonathan Swift Theatre, (most) Mondays."
(KBG10. )
"Monday evenings are our relaxed discussion weeks! There will be an outlining theme such as "Childhood Favourites" or "Did Not Finish" to prompt people to share their favourite (or least favourite) books for each category!It's a great chance to find someone who has read the same obscure book you're convinced no-one else knows!"
(University prayer room)
"Assalamu alaykum warahmatullah wabaarakatuh, Dear brothers and sisters, We are offering FREE Iftar for 10 people today. Time: From 6 PM Venue: University Prayer Room To indicate interest, fill out the form via our story here, or check our story. https://forms.office.com/e/NcvvYCNWzG First come first served. May Allah accept our siyam. Ramadan Mubarak!"
(Maguire’s Pitches)
"Flag football is a version of American Football which removes all levels of contact. Flag is a non-contact sport open to everyone. It is played as a mixed competition. It works similarly to how tag rugby differs to contact rugby. Flag football is a 5 aside game making it a perfect tool to introduce newcomers to the sport."
(Jonathan Swift Theatre (B1023))
"We're super excited to announce the return of our highly-adored Monday Masterclass!In this (almost!) weekly class, we'll cover the backstage aspect of theatre, from props and costumes, to stage management and lighting!These masterclasses will be taught by our brilliant committee members, and some crazy talented experts, so make sure to make room in your schedules!7pm, Jonathan Swift Theatre, (most) Mondays."
(UL Hockey pitch (behind arena))
"Mixed hockey training on Mondays from 7-8pm on the hockey pitch. You must have shin guards and gum shields to participate. All new members are welcome! Make sure your memberships is paid before you come down!! Looking forward to seeing ye :) "
(UL Climbing Wall)
"MONDAY BEGINNER INSTRUCTED SESSION** DONT BOOK UNLESS YOU ARE A NEW CLIMBER WHO IS LOOKING TO LEARN HOW TO CLIMB**During this session we will teach and supervise people from all levels, whether you are proficient or have no idea and just want to see what climbing is. This session is very beginner friendly and we welcome people from all skill levels.If you wish to just use the bouldering / autobelay, all climbers will have to do an induction before hand so that they can safely do so going forth.If you wish to be taught how to belay / do general top rope climbing be sure to mention this to one of the instructors at the start of the session. You will be sorted into groups depending on what skill you wish you learn / improve.In future we will have belay tests for people who wish to belay without supervision and go to independent sessions to use ropes. You can only climb with people who have passed their belay test also.We provide all the equipment and supervisors - you just bring the psyche! See you all there :)"
(Main Hall , PESS Building)
"NOT SUITABLE FOR THOSE TAKING THE BEGINNERS COURSE - INVITE ONLYThis session is intended only for individuals who have previous archery experience - please contact ularchery@gmail.com or speak to the current captain to see if this session is suitable for you!All necessary equipment will be provided and sanitized. You are welcome to bring your own equipment."
(UL Climbing Wall)
"MONDAY INDEPENDANT SESSION** DONT BOOK IF YOU HAVE NEVER CLIMBED BEFORE**This session is for people who are able to climb independently.If you wish to just use the bouldering / autobelay, all climbers will have to do an induction before hand so that they can safely do so going forth.If you wish to climb on ropes you must have completed your Top Rope Climbing / Belaying Assessment with us beforehand.In future we will have belay tests for people who wish to belay without supervision and go to independent sessions. You can only climb with people who have passed their belay test also.We provide all the equipment and supervisors - you just bring the psyche! See you all there :)"
(Dromroe Hall)
"Hi all,Semester 2 is back with amazing classes and we have the lovely Adetola back teaching heels classes.Every Monday in Dromroe hall from 8:30-9:30/45.Dont forget to bring €3 for class or 20 euro for unlimited classes per semester.Cant wait to see you"
(University prayer room)
"Assalamualaikum UL community!This Ramadan, please join us for Taraweeh prayers every night as we make dua and build community! A big thank you to Muhammad Zain and Taha Zafar for initiating the event along with the Castletroy community!Time: 8:30 pm to 10:00 pmLocation: University prayer room May Allah accept our deeds this Ramadan."
(Outside the PESS building)
"Welcome back! And welcome to all our new members. This balance session is where we practice our skills on skate and balance boards so we can improve what we learn in the pool each week. Its also a social event so ye get to know each other before all the trips we have planned for ye this semester!"
(The Scholars Club)
"WELCOME TO OUR OPEN MIC!Open Mic takes place every Monday in The Scholars Club, all our members are free to come along either to perform or just to enjoy the music!It is a good way to practice in front of a small audience and build up their confidence!"
(Campus Arena Pool)
"Welcome back everyone! And a big welcome to our new members this year. We hope ye enjoy the club as much as we do. To attend the pool sessions, ye must book in on here every week so ye are guaranteed a spot as sometimes they can fill up pretty quickly. We will go over some basic techniques and have ye meet everyone in the club. We look forward to seeing ye tonight!"
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