Fashion Society

UL Fashion Society

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About Fashion Society

UL Fashion Society is a new society, established in 2022 with the aim to bring likeminded people together with an interest in fashion, host fashion based events and enjoy the creative nature of fashion. We hope to hold events such as fashion masterclasses to learn new skills, interviews to learn from people in the industry and fashion shows as well as clothes swap and upcycling classes. Sign up to get involved and let us know what you would like to get out of fashion soc! Follow us on Instagram @ulfashionsoc

Current Committee 15
Chairperson Killian O Donoghue
Vice Chairperson KYRA RYAN
Secretary Saoirse Waldron
Treasurer Michaela Murphy
Assistant Events Aisling
Public Relations Officer Sara Gleeson
Events Officer LIADAN
Health and Safety Officer ABBIE LAPPIN
Media Officer Sinead
Ordinary Committee Member Emma Hastings
Public Relations Officer GABRIELE PALIOKAITE
Social Media Officer Olivia Sheahan

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