Cumann Gaelach

Abair i nGaeilge é!

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Awards Roll of Honour
2021/2022 UL Award: New/Improved Society of the Year
About Cumann Gaelach

Fáilte mór romhat chuig Cumann Gaelach Ollscoil Luimnigh! Is cumann muid a bunaíodh chun mac léinn a bhfuil spéis acu sa Ghaeilge a tharraingt le chéile chun an teanga a chéiliúradh, a labhairt agus a spreagadh ar champas na hollscoile. Ag croílár an chumainn, tá ár bpaisean agus ár ngrá dár dteanga dhúchais agus déanaimid ár seacht ndícheall chun í a úsáid chomh minic agus is féidir i slí neamhfhoirmeálta go laethúil. Díríonn an Cumann ar thaobh sóisialta na Gaeilge. Is é beatha teanga í a labhairt agus dá bhrí, sin déanaimid sáriarracht an bhéim iomlán a leagadh ar labhairt na Gaeilge amháin seachas an taobh leadránach a d’fhoghlaimíomar ar scoil! Is í príomhaidhm an Chumainn ná daoine le Gaeilge a tharraingt le chéile chun cairdeas a chothú, imeachtaí sóisialta a reáchtáil agus spraoi bheith againn – trí mhéan na Gaeilge. Tá fáilte is fiche roimh gach aon duine a bhfuil suim acu sa teanga, fiú mura bhfuil ach cúpla focal agat! Bígí linn, bígí Gaelach agus ná dean dearmad – Tír gan teanga, tír gan anam.

A massive welcome to Cumann Gaelach Ollscoil Luimnigh! We are a society set up especially for students with an interest in our beautiful Irish language. We aim to bring these students together to celebrate Irish, to speak it and to promote it around the campus. At the very heart of the society is our passion and our great love for our native language and we do our utmost to use it as often as we can and in a non-formal setting. We focus on the social aspect of Irish. The way of a language is to speak it, and because of that, we make a big effort to emphasise the speaking of Irish rather than the boring old academic stuff we had to learn at school. Our main aim is to bring speakers and lovers of Irish together to create friendships, to organise social events and basically just to have a bit of craic – through Irish of course! Absolutely everybody is welcome, even if you only have a cúpla focal! So come join us, and don’t forget the old saying, "A country without a language is a country without a soul".

Current Committee 3
Vice Chairperson SIENNA
Treasurer William Mulcahy

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