
Sailing, Kitesurfing, Windsurfing

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About WindSports

UL Windsports is an active water-based sport and all sports such as Sailing, Windsurfing and Kitesurfing. While sailing is definitely our most active sport at the moment. This semester we have set ourselves some goals to run a certain amount of Windsurfing and Sailing trips. Sailing Varsities are the first week in March, and we plan to have some training trips. As for Windsurfing, we are planning to host a WindSurfing event with UCD and NUIG and plan to have 2/3 trips to train and teach beginners how to windsurf. 

Our club is open to everyone, beginners and advanced; we are hoping to get running training in ULAC to help beginners learn and advance people a teaching opportunity. 

If you're interested in any of the above, we suggest you join us, and if you want the chance to plan and bring your ideas to our club, the Committee is always open for new members. 

Current Committee 15
President Caoimhe Sherriff
Secretary Ronja Esser
Treasure/Mary I Rep Orlaith Cahill
Safety Officer Conor
Public Relations Officer Sarah Kiely
Public Relations Officer EAMONN NORMANLY
Alumni Officer Dylan Reidy
Events Officer GRACE KENNEDY
First Year Rep Fred Sheppard
Kitesurfing Captain DIARMUID HARTNEY
Ordinary Committee Member Charlie
Sail Captain Cormac Doolan
Training Officer Tara Harris
WindSurfing Captain Cian

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