Drama Society

Society Social Media Excellence
Winner 2023/2024

Breaking a leg since the dawn of time.

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Weekly Activity 1
Only logged in / active Drama Society members can book / attend this activity
no image Wednesday Workshop
Location: Jonathan Swift Theatre

Weekly Wednesday Workshop in Jonathan Swift Theatre (B1023). Please ensure that you have paid the 5 euro membership fee on the UL Wolves website before attending.    :)

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Wednesday Workshop

Day Wednesdays
From 19:00, to 20:30
Max 100 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Activity

Location: Jonathan Swift Theatre

Weekly Wednesday Workshop in Jonathan Swift Theatre (B1023). Please ensure that you have paid the 5 euro membership fee on the UL Wolves website before attending.    :)

About Drama Society

UL Drama Society is a diverse group of students with one crucial common interest; we all love theatre in one way, shape or form! Maybe you are a veteran stage school student. Or maybe you’ve never been within 20 feet of a stage and want to give it a go. Here at Drama Soc, EVERYONE is welcome – no exceptions! Performing is of course a huge part of Drama Soc – each year we run a number of productions, ranging from comedy to drama! But if you’re not one for the limelight, fear not! We encourage members to cultivate their own unique talents and explore all aspects of theatre. Be it directing, script writing, set design, stage management or costumes and cosmetics... We embrace it all! It truly is a dynamic society with something for everyone. We run weekly Wednesday workshops based on performing aspects such as stage confidence, character development and improvisation. These workshops are split between society members and outside experts who work professionally in theatre, which greatly improves the skills of our members.Trips and events are a key aspect of Drama Soc. Be it fund-raising quiz nights, Drama Awards Night or the very popular annual Drama Soc Sleepover, we are kept occupied! And it has to be said – Our wrap parties are pretty legendary. Drama Soc go on regular theatre trips, supporting local talent in venues such as the Bell Table and the Lime Tree Theatre. In the last year we have spread our wings further afield – to the cosmopolitan city of London, nonetheless!! Drama members had the chance to experience the mesmerizing West End stage – a bucket list feature for any lover of theatre. Over time we’ve worked hard to build up our society to improve the experience of our members. UL Drama Soc is more than just a society – it is a family. When you look back on your time with us, you may not remember the lines you spent hours learning – But you won’t forget the memories you made with life-long friends.

Current Committee 15
Chairperson Eoin Gilmartin
Treasurer DJ KENNEDY
Health and Safety Officer Victoria Cottrell
Public Relations Officer Aoife Dwyer
Public Relations Officer ABIGAIL HAYDEN
Public Relations Officer SAMUEL DAY
Arts Officer Ann-Chloé Mentor
Arts officer Shauna McNamara
First Year Rep Jack Schurmann
Productions Officer Kyleigh Golightly
Technical Officer Varsh Gudigar
Vice Treasurer Rory Butler

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