Philosophy & Debating Society

Man was formed for society and is neither capable of living alone, nor has the courage to.

Latest News 3

Guest Speaker redo
Hi everyone! The guest speaker event that was previously cancelled is on for today at 6 pm.  All other details are as before. Hope to see you there!
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Guest speaker: Daniel Vazquez (MIC)
Dr. Daniel Vazquez, of Mary I, joins Phildeb for this coming Tuesday as our first ever guest speaker! His discussion will focus on the ethics of arguing. Is it always possible to productively discuss some sides of a topic? is it too taboo of a claim to make, or does justifying the idea simply cause more harm than good, by adding fuel to the fire of dangerous or malformed concepts? Dr. Vazquez has lectured all over the world, including Oxford and London, and is currently head of the Philosophy ...
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Open Mic Event!!
Hi everyone! Following on from our speed debating event a couple of weeks ago, we are collaborating with the Literature Society for an Open Mic evening at the Pavilion. This will take place soon, on the 11th of March (this coming Tuesday), from 7:30 pm until 10 pm. There will be open prose of all sorts, ranging from the most articulate writers known to humanity to the most brilliant thinkers to roam this planet (and with plenty of cross-over). Any and all members are welcome to participate, ...
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Philosophy & Debating FAQs
Do you do any events?
Yes! Every semester we host our popular "Speed Debating" event, which is widely enjoyed by our members. We also run movie nights, picnics, invite guest speakers and more!
What topics do you discuss/debate?
We cover a broad range of topics, from social and political issues, to more philosophical ideas and sometimes sillier debates! We welcome any suggestions for topics from members, just ask.
Do I need to have experience in debating or philosophy to be a member?
Nope, not at all! We at the Philosophy and Debating Society have a very relaxed environment. There's no pressure to be a expert in anything. An interest in expressing your opinion and listening to others is all that's needed! More challenging topics will be explained by our committee. Don't be afraid to ask questions, we love to help!
Weekly Activities 2
Only logged in / active Philosophy & Debating Society members can book / attend these activities
Weekly Hang-outs
Location: KBG-15, Kemmy Buisness School

Our weekly hang-outs focusses on discussing philosophy and social topics and takes place every Tuesday at 6-8pm,
You do not need to have any prior knowledge of philosophy to join in, just an interest in the subject and a willingness to keep things civil!

Weekly Debates
Location: KBG-14, Kemmy Buisness School

Our weekly debating event takes place in two 1 hour debating sessions, this takes place every Thursday from 6-8pm. No prior experience of debating needed!

Weekly Hang-outs

Day Tuesdays
From 18:00, to 20:00
Max 40 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Activity

Location: KBG-15, Kemmy Buisness School

Our weekly hang-outs focusses on discussing philosophy and social topics and takes place every Tuesday at 6-8pm,
You do not need to have any prior knowledge of philosophy to join in, just an interest in the subject and a willingness to keep things civil!

Weekly Debates

Day Thursdays
From 18:00, to 20:00
Max 40 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Activity

Location: KBG-14, Kemmy Buisness School

Our weekly debating event takes place in two 1 hour debating sessions, this takes place every Thursday from 6-8pm. No prior experience of debating needed!

About Philosophy & Debating Society

What is the Philosophy & Debating Society all about?

The aim of the Philosophy & Debating Society is to provide a place where students can get together to talk philosophy and to debate topics of interest to them. We focus on cultivating an environment where people feel comfortable to share their own opinions and back themselves up when disagreement arises! 

We separate our philosophy and debating events, so you can engage with whichever part you're interested in! The first event of every week focusses on philosophy and takes place in the form of 'hangouts' every Tuesday at 6-8pm.

You do not need to have any prior knowledge of philosophy to join in, just an interest in the subject and a willingness to keep things civil!

The second weekly event focusses on debating, this takes place every Thursday from 6-8pm. This is a very open and relaxed environment, and a great opportunity to have your say and debate your opinions.

You shouldn't fear not having debating experience, we're here to help each other improve and there's still plenty of space for friendly banter!

Additionally, the Philosophy & Debating society hosts occasional events such as our very popular Speed Debating event, coffee mornings, movie screenings and outdoor discussion sessions!

Current Committee 11
Treasurer Michael Herbert
Health and Safety Officer Sam GLEESON
Public Relations Officer Alex Harvey
Assist. Treasurer Cillian Moore
Assistant Public Relations Katherine Savage
Discord Moderator JAKUB NOWICKI
Librarian PETER
Ordinary Committee Member Andrew McLaren
Ordinary Committee Member Aidan Kelly

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