Philosophy & Debating Society

Man was formed for society and is neither capable of living alone, nor has the courage to.

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About Philosophy & Debating Society

What is the Philosophy & Debating Society all about?

The aim of the Philosophy & Debating Society is to provide a place where students can get together to talk philosophy and to debate topics of interest to them. We focus on cultivating an environment where people feel comfortable to share their own opinions and back themselves up when disagreement arises! 

We separate our philosophy and debating events, so you can engage with whichever part you're interested in! The first event of every week focusses on philosophy and takes place in the form of 'hangouts' every Tuesday at 6-8pm.

You do not need to have any prior knowledge of philosophy to join in, just an interest in the subject and a willingness to keep things civil!

The second weekly event focusses on debating, this takes place in two 1 hour debating sessions on topics voted on by the members present, this takes place every Thursday from 6-8pm.

While the debating sessions are more formal than the 'hangouts', you shouldn't fear not having debating experience, we're here to help eachother improve and there's still plenty of space for friendly banter !

Additionally, the Philosophy & Debating society hosts occasional events such as inviting guest speakers to give talks, movie screenings, debating skills & strategy coaching sessions and debating competitions!

Current Committee 10
Chairperson Sam GLEESON
Treasurer MAEBH
Health and Safety Officer Michael Herbert
Public Relations Officer Alex Harvey
Assistant Public Relations Officer HANNAH HOLMES
Assist. Treasurer ARON CALVERT
Assistant Health and Safety Aine
Ordinary Committee Member Katherine Savage
Ordinary Committee Member Emilia Hildebrandt

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