People Before Profit Society

Fighting for Students, Socialism and Housing Justice

Upcoming Event 1
Only logged in / active People Before Profit Society members can book / attend this event
Wed 11th Sep at 18:30
at 20:00
Location: KBG11, Kemmy Business School, Room 11.

We are back! Join us for our first meeting of the year. An intro to revolutionary socialism with Kieran Allen

Kieran is a lifelong Socialist activist and author. Writing books like "The politics of James Connolly", "Tax haven Ireland" and many more. He will be talking about how we can build a fightback against capitalism, against genocide in Gaza and the fight for a 32 county socialist republic.

Our Chair Aron will also be talking about the struggles on our campus from UL-BDS to the Housing action group and how all struggles have to be tied together into an attack against capitalism and injustice.



Starts Wed 11th Sep at 18:30
Ends at 20:00
Max 40 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: KBG11, Kemmy Business School, Room 11.

We are back! Join us for our first meeting of the year. An intro to revolutionary socialism with Kieran Allen

Kieran is a lifelong Socialist activist and author. Writing books like "The politics of James Connolly", "Tax haven Ireland" and many more. He will be talking about how we can build a fightback against capitalism, against genocide in Gaza and the fight for a 32 county socialist republic.

Our Chair Aron will also be talking about the struggles on our campus from UL-BDS to the Housing action group and how all struggles have to be tied together into an attack against capitalism and injustice.


About People Before Profit Society

People Before Profit is a revolutionary Eco-socialist party. We are environmentalist, anti-fascist, feminist, pro Palestine and pro trans liberation!

On campus we have launched and are involved in several campaigns like the Housing action group and UL-BDS

We have been involved in building the fight for Palestinian liberation, trans liberation, an anti austerity movement and environmental fightback on our campus

We fight for a 32 county socialist republic in Ireland and the victory of socialism worldwide!

We are an arm of the largest socialist party in Ireland, We coordinate with People Before Profit to build national student campaigns against our capitalist society.

Join People Before Profit or find out more here

Current Committee 7
Chairperson ARON CALVERT
Secretary Cormac Campbell
Treasurer Ben
Health and Safety Officer Joshua Durrant
Public Relations Officer Kasper Domagala
Ordinary Committee Member BRENDAN O'CONNELL
Ordinary Committee Member Alex Harty

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