Sub Aqua Club

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All Sub Aqua News Posted

South West Dive Rally

Posted 21st May 2024
Author Lea Grenz (Secretary)

Hello fellow underwater lovers, 

last weekend ULSAC attended the SW Dive Rally, hosted by Kerry Sub Aqua. We enjoyed a sunny weekend full of diving and meeting fellow divers. Some lucky ones even managed to see sharks! 

Thanks everyone for a wonderful trip, 

Lea (Secretary) 


Posted 26th Apr 2024
Author Lea Grenz (Secretary)

Hello fellow underwater adventurers,

last Tuesday ULSAC joined forces with the lovely people of the Environmental Society to participate in the UL BIOBLITZ. We managed to record 55 species in two hours and spent a wonderful day exploring the campus and learning about our environment. 

Thanks a lot to the guys from the Environmental Society to let us join the team!

Take care and be nice to the planet,

Lea (Secretary) 

Committee Meeting Results

Posted 23rd Apr 2024
Author Lea Grenz (Secretary)

Hello fellow friends of the sea, 

last Friday your lovely committee got together for a meeting on the sunny balcony of the boathouse. Since the summer is about to start we discussed our plans for the next couple of months (stay tuned) and looked back on the academic year. It's been a blast with all of you and we are looking forward to a summer full of diving. 

If you want to help organize a dive trip please reach out to a committee member of your choice! We are always delighted to get input from our lovely members. 

This is also your reminder to sign up for the South West Dive Rally (18./19.05.)! It's gonna be good craic! 

Keep breathing, 

Lea (Secretary) 

Bake Sale

Posted 16th Apr 2024
Author Lea Grenz (Secretary)

Hello fellow scuba lovers, 

our fabulous events committee pulled of a very successful bake sale last Monday (08.04.). Thanks to them and all the members who provided delicious baked goods our club managed to raise quite a bit of money. In the end we had a sold out bake sale and nearly frozen members. Luckily, they are used to the cold after diving in Ireland ;). 

Thanks a million to everyone who provided their time, ingredients and help, 

Lea (Secretary) 

Diving Ireland Expo

Posted 16th Apr 2024
Author Lea Grenz (Secretary)

Hello everyone, 

last weekend (06.04./07.04.) the Diving Ireland Expo took place in Dublin. It was a wonderful chance for pur members to check out new equipment and developments and for our committee members to participate in the Diving Ireland AGM. Additionally, we had a chance to see the new Diving Ireland boat.

Thanks to Viking Sub Aqua for organizing such an amazing and successful expo, 

Lea (Secretary)

Easter Trip Malin Beg

Posted 16th Apr 2024
Author Lea Grenz (Secretary)

Hello everyone,

our divers had a fantastic weekend of boat diving off Sliabh Liag and Carrigan Head.

On Saturday, our divers saw all sorts of colourful coral and wildlife on their dives, including a sea cucumber, jewel and plumose anemones and Devonshire cup coral.

On Sunday, the divers were joined by two pods of dolphins which followed the boat for the entire journey out to the dive site and back. The boat entered a cave with breathtaking views inside and our divers dived under the Sliabh Liag cliffs with a 20-25m dive for approximately 40 mins. A seal was spotted near where the divers entered the water and the rocky cliff terrain made for great dives with plenty of fish and vegetation 

Have a wonderful week, 

Lea (Secretary) and Sophie (PRO)

VHF Course

Posted 25th Mar 2024
Author Lea Grenz (Secretary)

Hello everyone, 

last weekend some of our members attended a VHF SRC Course to gain their certification to operate a radio on a boat. We had lots of fun with our instructor and learned a lot. 

Thanks to our Training Officer Laura for organizing it!

Enjoy your easter break, 


Boathouse Inventory

Posted 19th Mar 2024
Author Lea Grenz (Secretary)

Hello everyone, 

yesterday we did a six hour clean up and inventory of our beloved boathouse. We found a lot of stuff we didn't even know we have and got a better overview over our equipment again. Thanks a lot to everyone who helped out!

Please, try to keep it organized and clean in the future and don't forget to sign out gear.

Hope you all had a wonderful bank holiday!


St. Patricks Nightdive

Posted 19th Mar 2024
Author Lea Grenz (Secretary)

Hello everyone,

last Saturday we celebrated an early St. Patricks by going on a night dive in Kilkee. It was a lot of fun for everyone involved and the first time doing a local night dive for most of us. Definitely planning to do more of those :D

Have a fun week!


Your Sign to Sign Up

Posted 12th Mar 2024
Author Lea Grenz (Secretary)

Hi guys, 

quick update from our committee meeting last week. We still have free spots for the VHF Course and the Easter Trip. So if you are thinking about joining this is your sign to actually sign up

All the best and good luck with your mid terms!


Diver First Responder Course

Posted 5th Mar 2024
Author Lea Grenz (Secretary)

Hello everyone, 

last Sunday members of our club attended the regional Diver First Responder course in Kilkee. Over the course of the day we trained our CPR skills, learned how to bandage someone properly and what to do in different emergencies. We are very glad that our members are open to be taught proper first aid to ensure safety at all times. Even though we were covering a lot of serious topics we also enjoyed spending time with each other and had a lot of fun. 

Thanks a lot to everyone who attended the Course!

Easter Trip

Posted 29th Feb 2024
Author Lea Grenz (Secretary)

Hi All,

You might have already spotted it on Wolves but we are hosting an Easter weekend trip to Malin Beg. So if you are up for a weekend full of underwater fun and getting to know your fellow divers this is your sign to sign up :D

Have a good week!


AGM Results

Posted 29th Feb 2024
Author Lea Grenz (Secretary)

Hello everyone, 

thank you so much for participating in the AGM yesterday. We are delighted to inform you that we elected a new committee consisting of familiar and new faces. A quick overview: 

Chairperson: Michal Kowierec

Secretary: Lea Grenz

Treasurer: Mark O'Leary

Dive Officer: Naomi Keogh 

Public Relations Officer: Sophie Slater

Assistant Treasurer: Bebhinn Anders

Equipment Officer: Patrick Gowran 

Boat Officer: Sergey Beloshapkin

Events Officer: Colm Copley Brown 

Ordinary Committee Role: Alex Buda

Thanks to everyone who stepped up. I can't wait to run the club with you guys!

Additionally, we decided to reduce the cost for boat diving from 12€ to 10€ and decided on a constitution change. 

See you all under water soon!


March 2021 Newsletter

Posted 4th Mar 2021
Author Éabha Hughes (Chairperson)

The March edition of our 2021 newsletter is out! Check your emails and the Sub Aqua social media for the March edition of this year's Newsletter.

Want To Share Your Sub Aqua Stories?

We're still deciding on what sections people would like to see! Once Covid-19 restrictions permit, we will be getting back to Underwater Hockey, Snorkeling and Scuba Diving ASAP, so expect plenty of news in those areas. For now though, we'd love to hear your Sub Aqua news and stories!

Remember that save in a thrilling UWH tournament? Snap some incredible photos of that friendly dolphin at 25m? Let us know! Contact our Public Relations Officer Seán Hogan ( or Chairperson Éabha Hughes ( through email or whatsapp to share your stories with us and you might see them in the next edition of the Sub Aqua Newsletter!

AGM Results

Posted 27th Feb 2021
Author Éabha Hughes (Chairperson)

We successfully held our Annual General Meeting on February 12th, with some old members stepping down and new members joining the committee! A huge welcome aboard and congratulations to Paidi O’Neill as our new OCM! Congratulations to Naomi Keogh for becoming the new Branch Diving Officer and to Sean Lynch for becoming the new UWH Officer! The positions of Chairperson, Secretary, PRO, TO, Treasurer and Vice-Treasurer, Events Officer, Equipment Officer and Boating Officer all stepped down and were re-elected, remaining the same. A full list of the new committee is included below. Thank you to all 27 members who attended the AGM and helped us bring in our new and improved Constitution written by Secretary Laura Byrne. We now have a bullet-proof constitution that includes necessary updates along with vital legislation on the support, promotion and management of Under Water Hockey in the club! The minutes of this meeting can be requested to view through contacting the Chairperson Éabha or Secretary Laura on either of our committee emails, through teamer or WhatsApp.

After the official business was over, our AGM came to an end and the social night began, with mighty craic being had all round. The night owls of our club clearly made themselves known with the call going on until the next morning. Members who had previously left and gone to bed, now getting up for work in the morning were able to re-join the call, and the craic! We had great fun and got to share all of our exciting news, play games and get to know new members. Again, thank you to all who attended and a big congratulations to our new Committee!

Chairperson: Eabha Hughes

Secretary: Laura Byrne 

Treasurer: Shane King 

Vice-treasurer: Aoife Vaughan-Witts

Branch Diving Officer: Naomi Keogh

Training Officer: Brian O’Leary

Public Relations Officer: Sean Hogan

Events Officer: Sean Matthews

Underwater Hockey Officer: Sean Lynch

Equipment Officer: Alex Buda

Boating Officer: Sergey Beloshapkin

OCM: Paidi O’Neill 

D1* Lectures have begun!

Posted 14th Feb 2021
Author Éabha Hughes (Chairperson)

Our D1* Lectures from the CFT 1* course will now be running each week and will be held by various instructors throughout the course. Please contact the training officer Brian O'Leary for further information. The Lecture Series will run as follows:

  • Hand Signals
  • Effects of Pressure 
  • Dive Physics
  • Decompression
  • Buoyancy
  • Out of Air procedure
  • Dive Equipment 
  • Dive Tables
  • CPR and Diver Safety

Zoom link to the meetings will be pasted into the Trainee chat on whatsapp and on the Wolves site.  They will run from the 9th of February to the 16th of March on Tuesday evenings at 7pm , where after that we will review trainee progress and the national pandemic situation to see if we can continue the D1* program into the D2* lecture series. This lecture series is limited to our 2020/2021 Trainees only. For further information please contact our committee!

2021 Newsletter February

Posted 2nd Feb 2021
Author Éabha Hughes (Chairperson)

The first edition of our new 2021 newsletter is out! Check your emails and the Sub Aqua social media for the February edition of this year's Newsletter. 

Want To Share Your Sub Aqua Stories?

Since this is the first edition of our new Newsletter for 2021, we're still deciding on what sections people would like to see! Once Covid-19 restrictions permit, we will be getting back to Underwater Hockey, Snorkeling and Scuba Diving ASAP, so expect plenty of news in those areas. For now though, we'd love to hear your Sub Aqua news and stories!

Remember that save in a thrilling UWH tournament? Snap some incredible photos of that friendly dolphin at 25m? Let us know! Contact our Public Relations Officer Seán Hogan ( or Chairperson Éabha Hughes ( through email or whatsapp to share your stories with us and you might see them in the next edition of the Sub Aqua Newsletter!

Games Nights Are Back On!

Posted 1st Feb 2021
Author Éabha Hughes (Chairperson)

Calling all members: GAMES NIGHT IS BACK ON!

Due to popular demand, our weekly games nights are returning for the semester! As always these are open to all our members. At least one night week (usually Thursdays at 7.30pm unless stated otherwise through social media/wolves) we will play easy to use, interactive multiplayer games that will be posted in the Events section of the Wolves Club Page and through the Whatsapp. We will be hosting these nights every Thursday from 7.30pm, so feel free to drop in for a chat, a quick game or stay for the whole night! We will be playing a variety of games that are available on desktop and/or mobile like Among Us, Scribbl, Broken Picture-Phone, Codenames and many more! If you have never played the game before, don't worry - we will always give a run down of how the game works before playing. Communications will all be held through Zoom calls that will remain open for the duration of games night, so feel free to drop into one of our game' nights whenever suits. As always, links will be posted through the Events section of the Wolves page and into the Whatsapp groups. Hope to see you all there! 

Really want to play a specific game? Let us know!

Drop one of the committee members a whatsapp/teamer message, or post your suggestions in general chats - we'd love to hear your suggestions for what games we should host this semester! As long as the games are suitable for all audiences and don't require specific equipment to play (like console-restricted games), we welcome any and all suggestions for this semester. With regards to the date and time of game nights, these may change through the semester due to the availability of hosts, restrictions lifting or due to any wide-spread timetable clashes it may have. If there are any changes to the date and time we will notify you through Teamer/Whatsapp and the Wolves Event for that night will reflect the change.

***As always, here at the Sub Aqua club we encourage good sportsmanship and fair play in all of our activities and events, so anyone displaying toxic or general behaviour not in line with C&S's behaviour policy will be given a warning. If the behaviour persists, you will be put in timeout. 

?With all that said, we can't wait to see you all back at game nights!

Sub Aqua Club AGM 2021!

Posted 25th Jan 2021
Author Éabha Hughes (Chairperson)

Calling all Divers, UWH Players and Snorkelers - It's that time of year again!

We will be having our Annual General Meeting on Friday the 12th of February, at 07:30 pm via a Zoom Meeting and would love for you to attend. Like the EGM, this is open to all of our members old and brand new and we highly encourage you to come along! Here we will go over how the club has changed and grown since our EGM in October, especially with everything that has happened with the ongoing pandemic and the increase in restrictions for the foreseeable future.

As per usual, during the AGM the entire committee will be stepping down and re-elected. This is your chance to get onto the Sub Aqua Club committee! All positions will be up for grabs (Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Vice-Treasurer, Public Relations Officer, Diving Officer, Training Officer, UWH Officer, Equipment Officer, Boating Officer, Events Officer and Ordinary Committee Member (OCM)), but be aware that these positions all have requirements that range from simply being a member of the club, to being a highly trained veteran Scuba Instructor. That said, you should always be prepared to give a hust for the popular positions!

We highly encourage some of our newer members from the semester just finished to look at joining committee, specifically for the role of OCM. You will be in the brain of the club, getting a taste of how the club is run and will be at all committee only events (like the Clubs and Societies Ball!); but fear not! The OCM (currently Sean Lynch) has the role of communicating between members to the committee (especially new trainees and players), engaging in brainstorming/planning of events and fundraisers and essentially aiding in a range diverse set of tasks. It's a fantastic way to ease into a committee setting without the stress of an intense role.

We will be discussing training procedures for Scuba and UWH on the night, the development of the club along with the events and activities we'll be running this semester. After the official meeting is over, we'd like to invite members to stick around for a virtual social evening! Here we'll just shoot the breeze and have a bit of craic before this semester really picks up! As always, feel free to ask any questions you have about the club, UWH, snorkeling, scuba, the committee, etc here.

The link to the Zoom meeting will be sent via email, through the Whatsapp group chats, through our Club Teamer and will be hosted on the Wolves event page. Please join with your full name, and we will admit you from the waiting room once we confirm it's you. Looking forward to seeing our old and new members there! 

Sub Aqua Club EGM 2020!

Posted 27th Oct 2020
Author Éabha Hughes (Chairperson)

Calling all Divers and UWH Players - It's that time of year again!

We will be having our EGM on the 28th of October at 07:30 pm via a Zoom Meeting and would love for you to attend. This EGM is open to all of our members old and brand new! Here we will go over how the club has changed and grown since our AGM in February, especially with everything that has happened with the ongoing pandemic. We will also be having a changeover for some committee members with the positions of Secretary, Public Relations Officer, and Events Officer available. More positions may become available on the night, but be prepared to give a short hust!

Finally, we'll be discussing the next steps for the future and development of the club along with the events and activities we'll be running this semester. If you're new to the club, we'd love for you to come along and meet everyone! We will be running designated info and meet and greet nights specifically for new members soon, so don't worry if you can't make this. If you do attend however, you can be in a chance of winning a club t-shirt on the night! Of course, it's a Halloween themed EGM so get your costumes ready - the committee will be judging, and scuba-gear doesn't count as a costume! The link to the Zoom meeting will be sent via email, through the Whatsapp groupchats, and will be hosted on the Wolves event page. Please join with your full name, and we will admit you from the waiting room once we confirm its you. Looking forward to seeing our old and new members there!

Try A Dive

Posted 10th Sep 2019
Author Patrick Bartley

UL Sub Aqua will be hosting a Try A Dive in the dive pool, behind the fifty metre pool, on Tuesday the 17th of September. This will include a brief introduction to the club, a dive in the pool with our club instructors, and pizza afterward.

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