Sub Aqua Club

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About Sub Aqua Club

If you love the water, this club is for you! Here at the Sub Aqua Club, Dive and Snorkel all around Ireland and internationally.  Being based near the Atlantic coast means that some of the best dive sites in Ireland and the World are right on our doorstep! In fact the University boasts one of the few 50m swimming pools in Ireland as well as the new 25m dive pool which gives us an added advantage for confined water training. 

We offer internationally recognized qualifications in diving as well as the opportunity to take part in diving related courses including Oxygen Administration, First Aid and Boat Handling. The club owns and runs the Plassey Bird, our 7m dive RHIB and we are always trying out new dives spots. Although, you can often find us diving at our old regulars during the week such as the beautiful Kilkee, the awe-inspiring Cliffs of Moher, and we even try our hand at examining wrecks from Cork to Donegal; be it boats or World War Submarines! We dive abroad during winter and summer holidays. Whether it’s to reach extreme limits, catch sightings of rare animals, explore shipwrecks, look at slow moving nudibranchs, or just for the peacefulness of it, everybody dives for a different reason!

Our club is recognized for its high standards, commitment to training, inclusivity and its love for Sub Aqua Sports. If you are interested or even a little unsure, check out our stand at the recruitment drive or our online table and talk to one of our members! We're also on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. Check us out there to see some of the things the club gets up to. So, see you in the pool!

Current Committee 12
Chairperson (name hidden)
Secretary Lea
Treasurer Mark
Diving Officer Naomi
Public Relations Officer Sophie Slater
Assist. Treasurer Bebhinn
Boating Officer Sergey Beloshapkin
Equipment Officer Patrick Gowran
Events Officer Colm Copley Brown
OCM Alex
Training Officer Laura Byrne
TripOrganiser Brian O'Leary

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