
UL Hosts Flag Football Intervarsities News: event

Posted On 27th Nov 2023
Posted By American Football

On Saturday, November 25th, the University of Limerick played host to the inaugural Flag Football Intervarsities, a thrilling event that brought together teams from UCD, Trinity, Ulster University and Maynooth University. The UL Vikings emerged as a standout team, defeating the Ulster University Elks twice, as well as Trinity and UCD, earning them a well-deserved spot in the final. However, they faced tough competition and ultimately fell short against the formidable Maynooth University Hurricanes, a team accustomed to the competitive Flag Football Premier Division. What makes the UL Vikings' performance even more impressive is the fact that most of their players had only three months of football experience. Despite this, they demonstrated remarkable skill and resilience, especially considering they were up against a team from the Flag Football Premier Division. The entire roster can take pride in their collective effort, proving that dedication and determination can overcome experience gaps. The standout player of the day was cornerback Ciaran Harris, who earned the title of Team MVP. Harris showcased incredible defensive prowess, leading the team with an impressive eight interceptions, three of which he returned for touchdowns. The offensive MVP honor went to quarterback Arianna Constant, while linebacker Darragh Healy was recognized as the defensive MVP. These individual performances highlight the well-rounded talent that contributed to the team's success. A special thank you was extended to the team coaches, Evan Quigley and Cealan O'Neill, whose guidance and expertise played a crucial role in the Vikings' impressive showing. As the team looks forward to the regular season, there is palpable anticipation for what they can achieve with more experience and continued dedication. The Flag Football Intervarsities served not only as a platform for competition but also as a testament to the growth and potential of flag football at the University of Limerick.

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