
UL Wolves Fencing - Social News: event

Posted On 21st May 2023
Posted By Fencing
Location Escape Limerick

The UL Wolves Fencing Club embarked on a thrilling adventure for their end-of-year social by visiting an escape room. Led by our dedicated member, Cathal, the club organized the outing, bringing together a large group of fencers. We divided into two teams, with my own team proudly adopting the name "Deep Fried Mars Bars." the best possible name. In a dungeon-themed room, our team swiftly solved the puzzles and escaped in record time. Meanwhile, the other team encountered a more challenging classroom-themed room that required extra effort and time. Regardless of the outcome, we all had a fantastic time, strengthening our bonds as a team through this exhilarating end-of-year activity.

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