Philosophy & Debating Society

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Philosophy & Debating FAQs
Do you do any events?
Yes! Every semester we host our popular "Speed Debating" event, which is widely enjoyed by our members. We also run movie nights, picnics, invite guest speakers and more!
What topics do you discuss/debate?
We cover a broad range of topics, from social and political issues, to more philosophical ideas and sometimes sillier debates! We welcome any suggestions for topics from members, just ask.
Do I need to have experience in debating or philosophy to be a member?
Nope, not at all! We at the Philosophy and Debating Society have a very relaxed environment. There's no pressure to be a expert in anything. An interest in expressing your opinion and listening to others is all that's needed! More challenging topics will be explained by our committee. Don't be afraid to ask questions, we love to help!

All Philosophy & Debating Events Ran

This is an UPCOMING event

GUEST SPEAKER: Daniel Vazquez (MIC)

Starts Tue 18th Mar 2025 at 18:00
Ends at 20:00
Max 54 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Kemmy Business School (KBG-15)

Guest speaker: Daniel Vazquez joins us from Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, to discuss the ethics of arguing both perspectives of a topic. 

With many thanks to Dr. Vazquez, UL's Philosophy and Debate Society is glad to announce its first guest speaker event! With focus, as previously mentioned in this post, on the ethics of a given topic's varied perspectives, Daniel Vazquez has provided the following abstract to his discussion:

Allowing space to argue for both sides of a difficult question or case often benefits our understanding, belief formation, risk assessment, and decision-making. But is it always morally appropriate to discuss both sides of an issue? Should we always allow equal time to advocate for both sides? Examples like pseudoscientific theories, political filibusters, and vested interests that manufacture doubt suggest not. But where and under what minimal moral principles should we draw the line? Philosophers and scientists have disagreed about the appropriateness and limits of arguing both sides since ancient times. Two ideals seem to clash. On the one hand, discovery and the search for truth require the freedom to assess all possible arguments to maximize the chances of success. On the other hand, sometimes pondering both sides strikes us as morally intolerable, a waste of time or falling into rhetorical traps that harm rather than benefit an investigation.

He has provided a brief autobiography as well, seen below. 

Dr Daniel Vázquez is an Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Philosophy, and co-director of the Institute for Interdisciplinary and Engaged Philosophy at Mary Immaculate College, Limerick. He is also a member of the Trinity Plato Centre and the philosophy reviewer for the journal Greece & Rome.
Dr Vázquez has published in various areas of ancient philosophy, especially on Plato, the Stoics, and the scepticism of Sextus Empiricus. His recent and forthcoming publications include Suspension of Belief (Cambridge UP 2024) and Escepticismo, metafísica y argumentación (NUN, Mexico City 2024), as well as three co-edited volumes: Cause and Explanation in Ancient Philosophy (Routledge 2024), Plato on Time and the World (Palgrave McMillan 2023), and Time and Cosmology in Plato and the Platonic Tradition (Brill 2022).In addition to his work on the history of philosophy, Dr Vázquez has taught ethics, political philosophy, and epistemology around the world (including Oxford, London, Barcelona, Sao Paulo and Mexico City) and is co-founder and volunteer for the Centre of Human Rights Studies, based in Mexico City. The not-for-profit think-tank works on combatting all forms of violence, oppression and discrimination, advancing social justice, and strengthening the respect for human rights, equity and diversity.

Refreshments will be provided. 

This is a PAST event
For archive information only!

Open Mic Night

Starts Tue 11th Mar 2025 at 19:30
Ends at 22:00
Max 60 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: The Pavilion, North Campus, UL

The Literary Society is collaborating with us for the first Open Mic Night.

This event is open to many different types of performance, bring along some poetry, verse and spoken word. It is really up to you! This is non-competitive, and more a chance to showcase some talent you may have! 

Please dm us on Instagram if you want to perform, or just let a committee member know on the night and we will add you to the list!

Event starts at 7:30, at the Terrace Bar beside the UL sports arena.

This is a PAST event
For archive information only!

Speed Debating

Starts Thu 27th Feb 2025 at 18:00
Ends at 20:00
Max 40 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Kemmy Business School [KBG-14]

The Philosophy and Debating Society's Speed Debating event is back by popular demand!

The setup is similar to speed dating, but instead you will be debating a new person on a new topic for a few minutes. No prior knowledge of philosophy necessary, so do not worry if you are a bit unsure about all that! This is a great opportunity to have fun, meet new people and discuss a variety of social, philosophical and political topics. 

This is a PAST event
For archive information only!

Coffee Morning

Starts Tue 10th Oct 2023 at 11:00
Ends at 12:00
Max 30 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Courtyard Room

Come in for a chat between classes and enjoy a coffee!! Nice opportunity to get to know your new committee!

This is a PAST event
For archive information only!

History Society Collab Debate

Starts Thu 9th Feb 2023 at 18:00
Ends at 20:00
Max 20 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: EG006, Main Building, UL Campus

Thursday of Week 3 we will be collaborating with History Society to hold a History Themed Debate Night !

It will be held in our usual spot in EG006 at our usual time from 6pm to 8pm (18:00 to 20:00)

Hope to see you all there !

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