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All Medical Activities Hosted

This is a PAST activity
For archive information only!

Tag Rugby

Day Wednesdays
From 17:00, to 18:00
Type IN-PERSON Activity

Location: Pitches in the corner, behind The Pavili

A weekly friendly game of tag rugby, taking place on the pitches behind The Pavilion (in the corner). All are welcome! Must be a member of the Medical Society to play.

This is a PAST activity
For archive information only!

Football (Soccer)

Day Thursdays
From 17:00, to 18:00
Type IN-PERSON Activity

Location: Pitches in corner behind The Pavilion

Weekly game of football (or "soccer") held on the pitches in the corner behind The Pavilion! Must be a member of the Medical Society to play. 3euro fee to play - payable at the pitch. All skill levels are welcome!

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