Ogra Fianna Fail

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About Ogra Fianna Fail

Welcome to the official page of the Con Colbert Cumann. We are the Youth Wing of Fianna Fáil the Republican Party (Ógra Fianna Fáil) in U.L. Check out our Instagram! @ulograff Like our Facebook page to keep up to date! https://www.facebook.com/ulogra?fref=nf Viewing this on your mobile? Scroll to bottom to request membership! Highlight events of the academic year include, national and regional conferences, gaelic football tournament, summer school, workshops, debates, trips to Leinster House, Stormont Castle and the Ard Fheis. We are always open to new ideas for events! While we are affiliated with the senior Fianna Fáil party, most of our society members are not registered members of the senior party. We do in an overall sense believe in the ideals of the Fianna Fáil party and come election time play an important role working alongside our local area elected representatives! The backgrounds of Ogra members are incredibly diverse. Even within our own society we have undergraduate, postgraduate and international students from a wide range of degree programmes from business, teaching, politics, law, physiotherapy and a variety of other arts and science programmes. At our weekly meetings, the cumann gives its members a unique opportunity to discuss current political issues with an emphasis on what affects us as students in our daily lives. We have done and will continue to submit policies to the government on issues of interest to the members of the cumann. Ógra Fianna Fáil have a long-standing tradition of naming their cumann (i.e. their societies) after Irish Patriots in line with their strong Republican ethos. We decided as the Fianna Fáil Cumann in the University to name ours after the great, Limerick, martyr Con Colbert. Whether you chose to get involved in the politics of it all, or just like to come for the craic; joining the Con Colbert Cumann is something that you will never regret. Ar aghaidh leis an obair agus ar aghaidh le Fianna Fáil! Past Cathaoirlaigh: Aidan O'Gorman; Cathal Crowe; Seán Pattwell; Niamh O'Donovan; Eamon Quinlan; Eric Doyle; Derek Daly; Ray O'Mahony; David O'Sullivan; Ger Fogarty; Enda Costello; Michael Forde; Liam Lee; Emmet Clarke; David Griffin; Larry Foy; B. Crowley; Kieran Barrett; Jason Dyland; Eoin Geraghty; Katherine Sexton; Rachel Foody; Liam Hayes.

For contact please email ografiannafail@ulwolves.ie or contact us on Facebook or Instagram via the message feature.

Add us on facebook: www.facebook.com/ulograff This Facebook page is updated regularly to update members and supporters with news. Comments and posts are not always official policy nor is tagging etc. or any other affiliation an endorsement of any policies/positions etc.

Current Committee 6
Chairperson Rachel Hartigan
Secretary Liam
Treasurer Brendan OReilly
Vice Chairperson and HSO J.J. Hanton
Public Relations Officer Joseph Mullaney
Vice Treasurer Kieran Barrett

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