Fencing Club

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All Fencing News Posted

Karaoke Night at Scholars

Posted 9th Mar 2025
Author Conor Cleary (Secretary)

Sing like nobody is watching!

That's right we're doing Karaoke night at the Scholars Club on Monday the 24th of March at 7pm. This will be a night for socialisation, fun, drinks and of course singing in front of your peers rather than stabbing them like we usually do. This event is completely free to come to, and it's completely open to everyone not just members of fencing. There will also be a raffle. So if you want to hang out, sing and enjoy a fun night. Come on down for some Karaoke on the 24th at 7pm

Fencing Annual General Meeting

Posted 9th Mar 2025
Author Conor Cleary (Secretary)

AGM On March the 18th at 8pm after our regularly scheduled Tuesday training.

So if you want to be on committee, or have a say on who represents you next year. Make sure you come to our AGM. Key topics such as changes to the club constitution will also be discussed. As usual donuts will be provided for the event.

Schull Novice Results

Posted 2nd Dec 2024
Author Conor Cleary (Secretary)

Last weekend on November 30th and December 1st, UL Fencing went to the Schull Novice in Cork. We had fencers across all three swords and while we unfortunately didn't end up getting medal placements, we would like congratulate our fencers for their achievements. In particular we would like to congratulate Jonathon Hamer for placing 9th in men's sabre, Sebastian Repza and Syihabudin Abrar Rahin for placing joint 23rd in Mens Epee, and Eliza Macovei for placing 10th in women's sabre and 15th in womens foil.

We would also like to thank all of our fencers who attended the event, because without their hard work this club wouldn't exist.

AGM on Tuesday the 26th

Posted 20th Nov 2024
Author Conor Cleary (Secretary)

Just a reminder our AGM is happening on Tuesday the 26th of November right after our 6-8pm training.

We are looking to fill the following roles

Public Relations (Core)


First Year Rep

Events Officer

Schull Novice

Posted 3rd Nov 2024
Author Conor Cleary (Secretary)

We are going to Schull Novice on November 30th and December 1st! This is a novice event held in Corks Mardyke arena every year for people who have been fencing for less than 2 years. If you want to fence with UL enter the competition with this form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdI0J8tkn1rhJe981HXR9GC7qat_RtO8UeDQiFcfbjfoa7oqw/viewform and sign up via our events page https://ulwolves.ie/memberships/bookings/event/16342. We hope to see as many of you there as possible!

UL Medals at First Foil Competition

Posted 21st May 2023
Author Marika Fox (Competitions Officer)

To finish out a successful competition season full of firsts, UL Fencing sent two full teams to its first ever foil-only competition, the Crossbones Foil hosted by UCC. Both teams fenced well and had an amazing time, but the team of Joey Corbett, Cathal Kelly, and Kanvar Murray distinguished themselves further by placing third and bringing home an extremely hard-earned bronze medal! Many, many congratulations to them!

UL Fencing at West of Ireland Open

Posted 21st May 2023
Author Marika Fox (Competitions Officer)

Three UL fencers made their way to Galway to compete in this year's West of Ireland Open, representing our club across both days of the competition and all three weapons. Marika Fox competed in Women's Sabre, Joey Corbett in Men's Épée, and Kevin Ryan in both Men's Foil and Men's Sabre. Everyone fenced well, and Kevin (in foil) and Marika both placed in the top 16 of their events!

UL Fencing at Trinity Cup

Posted 21st May 2023
Author Marika Fox (Competitions Officer)

One of our members, Marika Fox, joined a team to compete in the Trinity Cup competition in Dublin. She fenced for Women's Foil in this unique competition that requires six-person teams representing each possible gender/weapon combination. The collaborative effort between UL, UCC, and UCD fencers placed 7th overall!

UL Fencing at Dublin Épée

Posted 21st May 2023
Author Marika Fox (Competitions Officer)

Three members of UL Fencing travelled to Trinity College in Dublin for their Dublin Épée competition this year, with Joey Corbett competing in the Men's Épée event and Marika Fox and Rachel O'Malley entering the Women's Épée. A great time was had by all, and extra congrats goes to Joey for winning his first Direct Elimination match and climbing up the national Épée rankings! Awesome job!

Medal At First Open Sabre Competition

Posted 21st May 2023
Author Marika Fox (Competitions Officer)

UL Fencing made our first ever appearance this year at a senior open competition for sabre, travelling to Dublin for UCD's Belfield Sabre. Cathal Kelly and Nico Violot competed in the men's team and individual events, and Marika Fox did the same for the women's events. To add to the excitement of this accomplishment, Marika's team placed third and earned a bronze medal! Congrats to all!

UL Wolves Fencing - Social

Posted 21st May 2023

The UL Wolves Fencing Club embarked on a thrilling adventure for their end-of-year social by visiting an escape room. Led by our dedicated member, Cathal, the club organized the outing, bringing together a large group of fencers. We divided into two teams, with my own team proudly adopting the name "Deep Fried Mars Bars." the best possible name. In a dungeon-themed room, our team swiftly solved the puzzles and escaped in record time. Meanwhile, the other team encountered a more challenging classroom-themed room that required extra effort and time. Regardless of the outcome, we all had a fantastic time, strengthening our bonds as a team through this exhilarating end-of-year activity.

UL Wolves Fencing begins Foil training!

Posted 21st May 2023

In an exciting development for the UL Wolves Fencing Club, a new chapter unfolded as they ventured into the world of foil fencing. During a regular training session, the club's sabre coach, Marika Fox, generously offered to provide training in foil for anyone interested. To their delight, a significant number of members eagerly seized the opportunity. Under Marika's guidance, they learned the basics of foil fencing and dedicated an hour to practice. The session culminated in an incredibly enjoyable game of pirates, adding a thrilling twist to their newfound foil skills. This pivotal moment marked the club's transition into a full-fledged three-sword club, with many members, including myself, embracing the foil . The expanded repertoire promises exciting journeys and achievements for the UL Wolves Fencing Club in the realm of fencing.

UL Wolves Fencing AGM

Posted 21st May 2023

At the beginning of the semester, the UL Wolves Fencing Club held its Annual General Meeting (AGM). Members gathered to discuss important matters and set the direction for the upcoming months. The AGM provided an opportunity to elect new club officials, review and approve the budget, and discuss plans for training, competitions, and social events. It was a productive and collaborative meeting, setting the stage for an exciting and successful semester ahead for the club.

UL Medals at Schull Novice Competition

Posted 14th Nov 2022

Six members of UL Fencing travelled to Cork to compete in UCC's Schull Novice competition on November 5th-6th. This marked an exciting milestone for the club, having competitors in all three weapons at a single competition for the first time. This was also the first ever competition for three of our beginners, and extremely strong performances were given all around. An extra special congratulations goes to Lukas Bauer for winning the bronze medal in Men's Épée! Full results are as follows:

Men's Épée: 3rd Lukas Bauer, 22nd Brian Carroll

Men's Sabre: 8th Jack Nodwell, 10th Kanvar Murray

Women's Épée: 10th Áine Sweeney

Women's Sabre: 6th Marika Fox

Women's Foil: 8th Marika Fox

Well done to all!

UL Men's Épée Team at the Irish Open

Posted 25th Oct 2022

The team of Cathal Kelly, Joey Corbett, Lukas Bauer, and Laurence Howard represented UL in the Men's Épée team event at the international Irish Open competition on October 23rd. Well done!

UL Fencing at South of Ireland Open

Posted 4th Oct 2022

Well done to the four fencers that travelled to Cork to represent UL at the South of Ireland Open competition! Joey Corbett, Cathal Kelly, and Dillon Kotze competed in the Men's Epee event, and Marika Fox competed in Women's Foil. Special congratulations goes to Dillon for advancing to the second round of Direct Eliminations!

National Fencing Competition at UL

Posted 1st Mar 2022
Author Joey Corbett (President)

UL Fencing club will be hosting our first national competition since 2012, called Wolves Novice Épée!

It takes place in the UL Arena on April 2nd. Novice fencers from around Ireland can compete. This competition only has one of the three fencing weapons, the épée (epp-ay). 

Men's Épée starts at 10.00

Women's Épée starts at 11.00

3 Medals won at Schull Novice Cup

Posted 15th Nov 2021
Author Joey Corbett (President)

Congratulations to our members who won medals at this year's Schull Novice Cup! 

Shalom Nazir - Bronze Women's Épée

Marianne Blin - Bronze Women's Épée

Katie Gurnee - Gold Women's Foil. She also took home the Schull Women's Cup!

Well done to everyone that competed! It was a great competition!

3 Medals won at Schull Novice Cup

Posted 11th Nov 2021
Author Joey Corbett (President)

Congratulations to our members who won medals at this year's Schull Novice Cup! 

Shalom Nazir - Bronze Women's Épée

Marianne Blin - Bronze Women's Épée

Katie Gurnee - Gold Women's Foil. She also took home the Schull Women's Cup!

Well done to everyone that competed! It was a great competition!

3 Medals won at Schull Novice Cup

Posted 11th Nov 2021
Author UL Fencing CLub

Congratulations to our members who won medals at this year's Schull Novice Cup! 

Shalom Nazir - Bronze Women's Épée

Marianne Blin - Bronze Women's Épée

Katie Gurnee - Gold Women's Foil. She also took home the Schull Women's Cup!

Well done to everyone that competed! It was a great competition!

Irish University Clubs Covid-19 Relief

Posted 12th May 2021
Author UL Fencing Club

As you may be aware, the current Covid-19 wave in India is at crisis level. We are proposing a fundraiser challenge to raise funds and awareness. We are urging all clubs and societies to take part and donate what you can. The cases in India are increasing rapidly on a daily basis. Unfortunately, hospitals are not equipped to deal with the high number of patients. The development of variants of Covid-19 may have a serious effect, both in India and globally. We have decided to run a ‘Tag and Donate’ fundraiser on Instagram in aid of Oxfam via our GoFundMe, 'Irish University Clubs Covid-19 Relief.' Oxfam is providing PPE to frontline health workers and supplying oxygen to those who need it most.

To take part:

  • 1. Share a picture of a funny/happy memory with your club or society on your Instagram story or page
  • 2. Donate to Oxfam via the GoFundMe link
  • 3. Use the Hashtag #IrishClubsCovidRelief and challenge three friends by tagging them.

Introducing fitness & footwork classes

Posted 15th Oct 2020
Author UL Fencing Club

Introducing our brand new weekly fitness and footwork classes!

Time: Tuesdays at 7pm

Meeting link: https://meet.skynet.ie/fencing

Everyone can join, no fencing experience required. Learn all kind of stretches, exercises, and routines for keeping fit and healthy at home! We will also be going through some fencing footwork, and bladework if any members have their swords at home!  

Club AGM last Thursday

Posted 28th Feb 2020
Author Fencing Club

Last Thursday the 27th of February we had our EGM to fill vacant committee positions, discuss the future of the club and to plan some fun events!

We elected 3 new committee members, we now have a full core committee  again! A few members on the committee had to give up their positions over the past year for various reasons so there were openings for Treasurer, PRO, and an Ordinary Committee position!

It was great to see members (and especially first years) applying for positions, this showed that members are interested in keeping to club running and progressing. 

Thanks to everyone who applied, you make sure we have a strong, productive committee for the year! 

No more training this semester

Posted 29th Nov 2019
Author Joey Corbett

Hey everyone,

Unfortunately, this week was the last official training we have this semester, due to the PESS building being used for exams. We had a great time fencing this year. I hope to see everyone next semester, but of course we'll be sad to see some of our international students go!

We'll try to arrange some small training sessions over the holiday, if anyone is still in Limerick and interested!

Best of luck,


Secretary, UL Fencing

UL Fencing comes second in Schull Novice

Posted 13th Nov 2019
Author Joey Corbett

UL Fencing sent 3 of our members to the Schull Novice tournament in UCC, Cork on the 2/11/19.

We are delighted to announce that one of our members, Katie Gurnee, came second in the women's épeé tournament. After such a nailing biting final with both fencers at equal points, we are so proud of Katie!

Cian Rowan and Joey Corbett also did very well for their first tournament, coming 16th and 15th respectively. Both won their first round of matches!

Overall, we did very well at Schull Novice this year, especially since UL Fencing has not gone to a competition in over 3 years! We hope this is the first of many!

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