2021/2022 | UL Award: New/Improved Club of the Year |
Starts | Mon 24th Mar 2025 at 19:00 |
Ends | at 23:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 999 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Sing like nobody is watching!
??That's right we're doing Karaoke night at the Scholars Club on Monday the 24th of March at 7pm. This will be a night for socialisation, fun, drinks and of course singing in front of your peers rather than stabbing them like we usually do. This event is completely free to come to, and it's completely open to everyone not just members of fencing. There will also be a raffle. So if you want to hang out, sing and enjoy a fun night. Come on down for some Karaoke on the 24th at 7pm
Starts | Tue 18th Mar 2025 at 20:00 |
Ends | at 21:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 1000 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
AGM On March the 18th at 8pm after our regularly scheduled Tuesday training.
So if you want to be on committee, or have a say on who represents you next year. Make sure you come to our AGM. Key topics such as changes to the club constitution will also be discussed. As usual donuts will be provided for the event
Starts | Sat 30th Nov 2024 at 09:45 |
Ends | Sun 1st Dec 2024 at 18:00 |
Cost | € 20.00 |
Max | 13 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
A listing to inform people about the upcoming Schull Novice Tournament in Cork on Nov 30th and Dec 1st.
Booking into this listing will tell us who wants to fence with UL for this event, and what gear they need. It will also tell us whether or not they want to get accommodation with the club.
The fee contributed will go towards paying for any accommodation and additional gear we may require.
Please answer the optional questions. Those of you bringing their own gear can stop after the second question.
Those of you who book and do not answer these questions will NOT be counted when it comes to any planning related to the event.
Remember to sign up to the tournament with this link https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdI0J8tkn1rhJe981HXR9GC7qat_RtO8UeDQiFcfbjfoa7oqw/viewform
Starts | Tue 26th Nov 2024 at 20:00 |
Ends | at 21:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 30 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
The Fencing AGM will be held in the Pess cafe area from 8-9pm on Tuesday the 26th of November.
Our primary goal is to get the following roles filled
For core committee,
Public Relations Officer: The person responsible for managing our social media, branding and general public image. Your primary duties will be to stay on top of our social media presence. Posting about fencing, interacting with other clubs on our public social media, and being responsible for general publicity of the club. Including doing promotional posts for the club and working on general student engagement for the club. A creative role that offers a lot of chance to shine for the more extroverted among you, as you would get the opportunity to talk to other people interested in the sport.
As for non core,
Armorer: The person responsible for maintaining our equipment. Your primary duties with this role would be taking care of our equipment, making sure that our swords, masks, uniforms and other equipment are in the best shape they could be. Performing repairs on gear that needs it, and bringing it the attention of the committee if gear needs significant repair, or needs to be replaced entirely. As an armorer your role is incredibly important, but also very educational. This role will teach you how to properly maintain fencing gear, a skill that is very relevant if you plan to purchase your own gear in the future. It will also be an invaluable utility, as you would not only be making sure your gear is a decent shape, but also the gear of your fellow fencers. A role for those interested in the maintenance and care of equipment, this role will not only allow you to serve yourself well, but also your fellow fencers.
First Year Rep: The person responsible for keeping an open line of communication between first years and the main committee. Your primary duties would be to keep an open channel of communication between freshmen/first years and the committee. Relaying any concerns, queries and questions they have about the club back to the core committee. A role for those who want help their fellow freshman find their voice, and bring to light any questions, queries or concerns they have regarding the club
Events Officer: A role being revived, going forward the events Officer will be responsible for Organizing, researching and planning trips to tournaments and social events as well as contacting relevant authorities to gain permission for use of relevant facilities for such endeavors and for use in our usual training
If you want to be a part of committee, or even just have your voice heard, stay around for the meeting, there may even be free donuts!
Starts | Fri 19th Jan 2024 at 01:15 |
Ends | Mon 22nd Jan 2024 at 21:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 10 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
The Stirling Sword is the biggest fencing competition in Scotland, consisting of both team and individual competition in all three weapons in a mixed-gender format. Our trip to Stirling will also include a training session at the Forth Valley Fencing salle, which is well known for its welcoming environment and extremely competent coaches. Please book into this event once you are 100% sure that you will be attending!
Starts | Thu 19th Oct 2023 at 18:00 |
Ends | at 21:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 40 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
he positions that are up for election include Armourer (takes care of all fencing equipment - repairs and getting new equipment!), First Year Rep (Represents all of our Freshers and their interests), Events Officer (helps organise details for any events the club is attending/running}, International rep (The voice of all of our international students), Internal communications officer(in charge of communication within the club) and Vice President(assists the president, and is in charge when the president is unavailable).
Starts | Thu 20th Apr 2023 at 18:00 |
Ends | at 19:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 10 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
We will be going over repair, assembly and wiring of fencing weapons. Great skill to have for all people doing fencing.
No prior skill or knowledge required.
Date: 20/April/23
Time: 6pm
Location: Room 3, Student Life
Starts | Tue 18th Apr 2023 at 20:00 |
Ends | at 21:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 20 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
We are hosting an AGM meeting on Tuesday 18th (week 12) at 8pm. In this meeting we will elect new committee for the fencing club. Being involved in the committee is a very enriching experience, both personally and for your resume. The former committee will be happy to help and support you to run the club and make it even more successful!
Location: PESS, after training
We will have free pizza for everyone!
Starts | Sat 15th Apr 2023 at 09:00 |
Ends | Sun 16th Apr 2023 at 18:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 30 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Please read if interested in attending the Crossbones Foil competition as part of the club.
Crossbones Foil is coming! This competition will take place on the 15th-16th of April in the Mardyke Arena at UCC.
Entry Fee: €15 for individuals, €5 per person for teams.
Please fill out this form BY APRIL 13TH to get registered (follow ALL the instructions!):
Let's do some foil! Woo!
Starts | Sat 1st Apr 2023 at 09:00 |
Ends | Sun 2nd Apr 2023 at 18:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 30 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Please read if interested in attending the Wests competition as part of the club.
The West of Ireland Open is coming! This open competition will take place on the 1st-2nd of April in Bailey Allen Hall at the University of Galway.
Entry Fee: €20 for one weapon, €25 for two weapons. You will pay this in cash when you arrive at the competition.
If you are going on any of these days, this is what you need to do BY MARCH 30TH:
1. BE A MEMBER OF FENCING IRELAND. Membership is free for your first year. If you signed up last semester, you are already all set.
2. FILL OUT THIS INTEREST FORM. This is so the UL committee knows who is going.
3. COMPLETE THE GALWAY SIGNUP FORM. You cannot enter the competition if this form is not filled out.
4. Book into this event!
Starts | Sat 11th Mar 2023 at 09:30 |
Ends | Sun 12th Mar 2023 at 16:30 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 100 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Our Novice Competition is finally here! A Novice Competition is open to any fencer who is fencing for under 2 years!
Order of events:
Saturday March 11: Men's Foil (check-in closes 9:45), Women's Epee (check-in closes 10:45), Women's Sabre (check-in closes 11:45)
Sunday March 12: Women's Foil (check-in closes 10:45), Men's Epee (check-in closes 11:45), Men's Sabre (check-in closes 12:45)
Entry fee: €15 for one weapon, €20 for two weapons
Entry link: https://fencingireland.justgo.com/workbench/public/events?ref=3E867390D74058C844194D5F508F545AAA319CDF
Starts | Sat 4th Mar 2023 at 09:00 |
Ends | Sun 5th Mar 2023 at 18:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 30 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Please read if interested in attending Maynooth Novice as part of the club.
Maynooth Novice is coming! This novice competition will take place on the 4th-5th of November in the Phoenix Building at Maynooth University. Novice competitions are only for people who have been fencing for 2 years or less, so it is a good occasion to compete with other beginners.
Entry Fee: €15 for one weapon, €20 for two weapons, €25 for all three weapons. You will pay this in cash when you arrive at the competition.
If you are going on any of these days, this is what you need to do BEFORE MARCH 1ST:
1. BE A MEMBER OF FENCING IRELAND. Membership is free for your first year. If you signed up last semester, you are already all set.
2. FILL OUT THIS INTEREST FORM. This is so the UL committee knows who is going.
3. COMPLETE THE MAYNOOTH SIGNUP FORM. You cannot enter the competition if this form is not filled out.
4. Book into this event!
Starts | Sat 18th Feb 2023 at 09:00 |
Ends | at 17:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 30 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Trinity Cup team competition, held at Trinity in Dublin. Teams of six, one of each weapon/gender combination.
Starts | Tue 7th Feb 2023 at 18:00 |
Ends | at 19:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 50 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Fencing Club EGM - Election of part of the committee
This Tuesday, at the beginning of our normal training time, we'll be having an EGM to fill a few spots on the committee.
Where: PESS Large Hall
When: Tuesday 7th February
Here's a quick rundown of the open positions:
If you have any questions about any of the positions, don't hesitate to send a message! And even if you don't want to run for a committee spot at the moment, we hope to see you all there to vote and then get on to some fencing afterwards!
Starts | Sat 26th Nov 2022 at 09:00 |
Ends | at 18:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 10 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Dublin Épée is an Épée only event happening in Trinity Sports Hall A on the 26th November.
This event is log your attendance at this competition!
Starts | Sat 12th Nov 2022 at 09:00 |
Ends | at 18:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 10 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Please read if interested in attending Belfield Sabre as part of the club.
Belfield Sabre is coming! This high-level sabre competition will take place on the 12nd of November in the UCD sports centre, Dublin. This is not a novice competition, but everyone can join.
Entry Fee: €15 for single entry and €20 for a team (late entry: €25). Note we have limited gear for people wanting to do Sabre.
If you want to compete, this is what you need to do:
1. BE A MEMBER OF FENCING IRELAND. Membership is free for your first year.
2. FILL OUT THIS INTEREST FORM BY FRIDAY NOVEMBER 4th. This is so we know how many members are interested in going.
3. COMPLETE THE SIGNUP FORM. You cannot enter the competition if this form is not filled out. Early entries close on the 4th of November. However, it is possible to register later but the price will be higher.
Starts | Sun 6th Nov 2022 at 09:00 |
Ends | at 16:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 15 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Please read if interested in attending Schull Novice as part of the club.
Schull Novice Cup is coming! This novice competition will take place on the 5th-6th of November in the Mardyke Arena, UCC. Novice competitions are only for people who have been fencing for 2 years or less, so it is a good occasion to compete with other beginners.
Entry Fee: €15 for one weapon, €20 for two weapons. Note we have limited gear for people wanting to do Foil or Sabre.
If you are going on any of these days, this is what you need to do:
1. BE A MEMBER OF FENCING IRELAND. Membership is free for your first year.
2. FILL OUT THIS INTEREST FORM BY WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 27th. This is so we know how many members are interested in going.
3. COMPLETE THE SCHULL SIGNUP FORM. You cannot enter the competition if this form is not filled out. Please choose 1 weapon or 2 on different days.
4. PROCEED TO PAYMENT ON THE UCC WEBSITE or bring cash to pay on the day of the competition.
Starts | Sat 5th Nov 2022 at 09:00 |
Ends | at 16:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 15 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Please read if interested in attending Schull Novice as part of the club.
Schull Novice Cup is coming! This novice competition will take place on the 5th-6th of November in the Mardyke Arena, UCC. Novice competitions are only for people who have been fencing for 2 years or less, so it is a good occasion to compete with other beginners.
Entry Fee: €15 for one weapon, €20 for two weapons. Note we have limited gear for people wanting to do Foil or Sabre.
If you are going on any of these days, this is what you need to do:
1. BE A MEMBER OF FENCING IRELAND. Membership is free for your first year.
2. FILL OUT THIS INTEREST FORM BY WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 27th. This is so we know how many members are interested in going.
3. COMPLETE THE SCHULL SIGNUP FORM. You cannot enter the competition if this form is not filled out. Please choose 1 weapon or 2 on different days.
4. PROCEED TO PAYMENT ON THE UCC WEBSITE or bring cash to pay on the day of the competition.
Starts | Sun 23rd Oct 2022 at 10:00 |
Ends | at 18:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 10 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Irish Open is this weekend!
Book if you are going to the competition on Sunday October 23rd as part of the club.
Starts | Wed 28th Sep 2022 at 19:00 |
Ends | at 20:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 40 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
We are hosting an AGM meeting on Wednesday 28th (week 4) at 7pm. In this meeting we will elect new committee for the fencing club. Being involved in the committee is a very enriching experience, both personally and for your resume. The former committee will be happy to help and support you to run the club and make it even more successful!
Location: room S117 in Schuman Building, first floor
We will have free pizza for everyone!
Starts | Sat 20th Aug 2022 at 19:30 |
Ends | at 21:30 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 20 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
We are having indoor training on Saturday!
Where: Dromroe Hall, UL
When: Saturday August 20
Time: 6.00pm - 8.00pm
Starts | Tue 16th Aug 2022 at 19:00 |
Ends | at 21:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 20 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
We are having outdoor training on Tuesday!
Where: UL Hockey pitches (behind the UL Arena)
When: Tuesday August 16
Time: 7.00pm - 9.00pm
1. Note we do not have access to equipment, YOU MUST BORROW EQUIPMENT AT AN EARLIER TIME (join the Discord for more detail)
2. Outdoor training depends on weather conditions (join the Discord for updates)
Starts | Sat 13th Aug 2022 at 19:00 |
Ends | at 21:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 20 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
We are having outdoor training on Saturday!
Where: UL Hockey pitches (behind the UL Arena)
When: Saturday August 13
Time: 7.00pm - 9.00pm
Starts | Tue 9th Aug 2022 at 19:00 |
Ends | at 21:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 20 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
We are having outdoor training on Tuesday!
Where: UL Hockey pitches (behind the UL Arena)
When: Tuesday August 9
Time: 7.00pm - 9.00pm
Starts | Sat 6th Aug 2022 at 18:00 |
Ends | at 20:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 20 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
We are having indoor training on Saturday!
Where: Dromroe Hall, UL
When: Saturday August 6
Time: 6.00pm - 8.00pm
Starts | Sat 30th Jul 2022 at 18:00 |
Ends | at 20:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 20 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
We are having indoor training on Saturday!
Where: Dromroe Hall, UL
When: Saturday July 30
Time: 6.00pm - 8.00pm
Starts | Tue 26th Jul 2022 at 19:00 |
Ends | at 21:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 20 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
We are having outdoor training on Tuesday!
Where: UL Hockey pitches (behind the UL Arena)
When: Tuesday July 26
Time: 7.00pm - 9.00pm
Starts | Wed 20th Jul 2022 at 18:00 |
Ends | at 20:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 20 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
We are having indoor training on WEDNESDAY!
Where: Dromroe Hall, UL
When: Wednesday July 20
Time: 6.00pm - 8.00pm
Starts | Tue 19th Jul 2022 at 19:00 |
Ends | at 21:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 20 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
We are having outdoor training on Tuesday!
Where: UL Hockey pitches (behind the UL Arena)
When: Tuesday July 19
Time: 7.00pm - 9.00pm
Starts | Sat 16th Jul 2022 at 18:00 |
Ends | at 20:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 20 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
We are having indoor training on Saturday!
Where: Dromroe Hall, UL
When: Saturday July 16
Time: 6.00pm - 8.00pm
Starts | Sat 9th Jul 2022 at 18:00 |
Ends | at 20:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 20 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
We are having indoor training on Saturday!
Where: Dromroe Hall, UL
When: Saturday July 9
Time: 6.00pm - 8.00pm
Starts | Sat 2nd Jul 2022 at 09:00 |
Ends | Sun 3rd Jul 2022 at 18:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 30 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Please read if interested in attending Student Individuals as part of the club. Now we have new equipment, we can send members to do every weapon, but equipment is limited so be sure to book early.
UCC Fencing is hosting Student Individual competition this summer. This competition is aimed at letting students compete against each other in all weapons. The event will take place on the 2nd and 3rd July in the Mardyke Arena, UCC, Cork.
- Be either a student or past student eligible for Year of Grace
- Also eligible are those individuals who would have been able to avail of Year of Grace in the non active 2020/21 season
- Wear appropriate athletic gear*
The Entry Fee will be 20€ for one weapon, and 25€ for two. You can pay by cash on site or pay in advance online.
Saturday July 2nd:
Men’s Epée (Check in closes 10:15)
Women’s Foil (Check in closes 11:15)
Men’s Sabre (Check in closes 11:45)
Sunday July 3rd:
Men’s Foil (Check in closes 10:45)
Women’s Epée (Check in closes 11:45)
Women’s Sabre (Check in closes 12:15)
If you are going on any of these days, this is what you need to do:
1. BOOK FOR THIS EVENT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. This is so we know how many members are interested in going, to organise transport and/or accommodation and to provide equipment before the competition.
2. COMPLETE THE STUDENT INDIVIDUAL SIGNUP FORM. You cannot enter the competition if this form is not filled out.
Starts | Wed 29th Jun 2022 at 18:00 |
Ends | at 20:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 20 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
We are having indoor training on Wednesday*!
Where: Dromroe Hall, UL
When: Wednesday June 29
Time: 7.00pm - 9.00pm
*Last training before Student Individuals competition in Cork this weekend
Starts | Tue 28th Jun 2022 at 19:00 |
Ends | at 21:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 20 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
We are having outdoor training on Tuesday!
Where: UL Hockey pitches (behind the UL Arena)
When: Tuesday June 28
Time: 7.00pm - 9.00pm
Starts | Sat 18th Jun 2022 at 18:00 |
Ends | at 20:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 30 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
We are having indoor/outdoor training this summer, starting this Saturday with indoor training!
Where: Dromroe Hall (UL campus)
When: Saturday June 18
Time: 6.00pm - 8.00pm
Starts | Sat 9th Apr 2022 at 09:00 |
Ends | Sun 10th Apr 2022 at 18:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 10 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Please read if interested in attending Intervarsities as part of the club ?
Intervarsities is on next weekend! It will take place on the 9th-10th of April in the Trinity Sport Centre in Dublin. This will be a team competition. Each team consists of between 2 and 4 people.
Entry is €7.50 per weapon. There will be a dinner on Saturday evening that is €36.50.
Women's Foil
Women's Epée
Men's Sabre
Men's Foil
Men's Epée
Women's Sabre
Both days check in closes at 9.30am.
If you are going (and you have to go) you need to FILL OUT THIS INTEREST FORM. This is so we know how many members are interested in going, so our members can arrange transport and/or accommodation together.
Starts | Sat 2nd Apr 2022 at 09:00 |
Ends | at 17:00 |
Cost | € 15.00 |
Max | 50 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Please read if interested in attending Wolves Novice Épée, on April 2nd (week 10)
We will be hosting our very own novice competition at the UL Arena. This competition is novice, so you can compete against other beginner fencers around Ireland. We are only hosting Épée this year, but we would like to expand in future years!
Check in closes:
Men's Épée: 9.45am
Women's Épée: 10.45am
If you are taking part in this amazing, awesome, fantastic competition, this is what you need to do:
1. BE A MEMBER OF FENCING IRELAND. You must have a valid Fencing Ireland Membership in order to compete. Membership is free for your first year.
2. COMPLETE THE WOLVES NOVICES ENTRY FORM. You cannot enter the competition if this form is not filled out.
Starts | Sat 26th Mar 2022 at 09:00 |
Ends | Sun 27th Mar 2022 at 20:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 20 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Please read if interested in attending East of Ireland Open as part of the club. Note we can only send members to do Épée, as we do not have the equipment for Foil or Sabre (unless you have your own equipment).
East of Ireland Open is on next weekend! It will take place on the 26th-27th of March in the UCD Sports Centre in Dublin.
Entry Fee: €25 for one weapon, €35 for two weapons.
Entries limited to one weapon per fencer per day.
WF WE check-in close @ 9:45 begin @ 10:00
MF check-in close @12:45 begin @ 13:00 - MF expected end time: 20:00
ME/WS check-in close @ 9:45 begin @ 10:00
MS check-in close @ 13:15 begin @ 14:00 - MS expected end time: 19:00
If you are going on any of these days, this is what you need to do:
1. BE A MEMBER OF FENCING IRELAND. You must have a valid Fencing Ireland Membership in order to compete. Membership is free for your first year.
2. FILL OUT THIS INTEREST FORM. This is so we know how many members are interested in going, so our members can arrange transport together.
3. COMPLETE THE COMPETITION ENTRY FORM. You cannot enter the competition if this form is not filled out.
Starts | Thu 24th Mar 2022 at 19:30 |
Ends | at 21:00 |
Cost | € 5.00 |
Max | 40 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
We will be hosting our pub quiz on Thursday March 24th (week 9). It will be €5 per person or €20 per person. We'll have a variety of questions and it will be great fun!
You can pay in cash or Revolut at the event. You can also pay online here (up to 1 hour beforehand).
Starts | Fri 18th Mar 2022 at 10:00 |
Ends | Sat 19th Mar 2022 at 17:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 8 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Please read if interested in attending South of Ireland Open as part of the club. Note we can only send members to do Épée, as we do not have the equipment for Foil or Sabre (unless you have your own equipment).
South of Ireland open is on next weekend (Patricks day weekend)! It will take place on the 18th-19th of March in the Mardyke Arena, UCC.
Entry Fee: €15 for one weapon, €20 for two weapons.
If you are going on any of these days, this is what you need to do:
1. BE A MEMBER OF FENCING IRELAND. You must have a valid Fencing Ireland Membership in order to compete. Membership is free for your first year.
2. FILL OUT THIS INTEREST FORM. This is so we know how many members are interested in going, so our members can arrange transport together.
3. COMPLETE THE SOUTHS SIGNUP FORM. You cannot enter the competition if this form is not filled out.
Starts | Tue 22nd Feb 2022 at 18:00 |
Ends | at 20:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 14 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Join us for training this Tuesday. We will be doing practice épée pools this week! These are usually used in competitions to rank fencers. Everyone will play games of 5 points with 5-7 other players. We will try to start as early as possible!
Booking your place at training is mandatory.
Time: 6.00pm-8.00pm
When: Tuesday
Where: PESS Building
Please do not show up to training if you have symptoms of Covid-19
Starts | Sat 27th Nov 2021 at 13:00 |
Ends | at 18:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 3 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
We will be attending Dublin Epee hosted by DU Fencing Club in Saturday 27th November.
Date: 27th
Location: Main sports Hall, Trinity college Dublin
Starts | Tue 23rd Nov 2021 at 18:00 |
Ends | at 20:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 15 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
To mark the end of Semester 1, we will be holding a tournament open to all club members. This is a great opportunity to show off all the skills you have learned over the last 12 weeks! It's being held in the large hall in PESS from 6-8pm. Christmas jumpers are welcome and there will be prizes! :)
En garde!
Starts | Sat 6th Nov 2021 at 10:00 |
Ends | Sun 7th Nov 2021 at 18:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 7 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Please read if interested in attending Schull Novice as part of the club. Note we can only send members to do Épée, as we do not have the equipment for Foil or Sabre.
Two club members, will be driving down on Saturday and Sunday morning. That means there are limited spots available to get a lift to Schull. We have a sign up form below, whoever signs up first will get a lift. If there are too many people, some will have to get a bus (which can be subsidized by the club).
If you are going on any of these days, this is what you need to do:
1. BE A MEMBER OF FENCING IRELAND. Membership is free for your first year.
2. FILL OUT THIS INTEREST FORM BY FRIDAY. This is so we know how many members are interested in going
3. COMPLETE THE SCHULL SIGNUP FORM BY MONDAY. You cannot enter the competition if this form is not filled out. Please choose 1 weapon and make sure it is Épée.
Starts | Wed 20th Oct 2021 at 19:00 |
Ends | at 20:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Type | VIRTUAL Event |
Fencing Club AGM week 7. Interested in helping out the fencing club?
We will be electing new members to committee.
Starts | Thu 23rd Sep 2021 at 19:00 |
Ends | at 21:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 12 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Join us for training on Thursday evening. We'll be training outdoors at the hockey pitches!
Where: All weather Hockey pitches (behind UL Arena, near the PESS building)
When: Thursday
Time: 7.00pm - 9.00pm
See you there!
Starts | Wed 22nd Sep 2021 at 14:30 |
Ends | at 16:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 12 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Join us for beginners training on Wednesday. We'll be training outdoors at the hockey pitches!
Where: All weather Hockey pitches (behind UL Arena, near the PESS building)
When: Wednesday
Time: 2.30pm - 4.00pm
See you there!
Starts | Thu 16th Sep 2021 at 18:00 |
Ends | at 20:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 12 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Fencing training is back!!
We will be hosting outdoor training on Thursdays from 6pm - 8pm. The sessions will take place in the hockey pitches behind the UL Sport Arena. We cater to all levels of fencing, so no previous experience is required. We will be covering footwork, exercises and routines (bladework will be weather dependent). This is a great way to try a new sport and meet new people!
Numbers are limited to 12, so it is essential that you pre-book your place.
Starts | Sun 25th Jul 2021 at 11:40 |
Ends | at 13:15 |
Cost | FREE |
Type | VIRTUAL Event |
Hi everyone,
We are having a Fencing Olympics watch party today at 11.40am!We'll be watching the bronze and gold matches for Women's Foil and Men's Épée.
Many of these fencer's have trained 4 years for just 9 minutes of a final match! The action should be really good!
See you there!
Starts | Wed 12th May 2021 at 00:00 |
Ends | Wed 19th May 2021 at 23:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Type | VIRTUAL Event |
As you may be aware, the current Covid-19 wave in India is at crisis level. We are proposing a fundraiser challenge to raise funds and awareness. We are urging all clubs and societies to take part and donate what you can. The cases in India are increasing rapidly on a daily basis. Unfortunately, hospitals are not equipped to deal with the high number of patients. The development of variants of Covid-19 may have a serious effect, both in India and globally. We have decided to run a ‘Tag and Donate’ fundraiser on Instagram in aid of Oxfam via our GoFundMe, 'Irish University Clubs Covid-19 Relief.' Oxfam is providing PPE to frontline health workers and supplying oxygen to those who need it most. To take part:1.Share a picture of a funny/happy memory with your club or society on your Instagram story or page2.Donate to Oxfam via the GoFundMe link (link in Linktree) 3.Use the Hashtag #IrishClubsCovidRelief and challenge three friends by tagging them.
Starts | Fri 26th Mar 2021 at 00:00 |
Ends | Sun 11th Apr 2021 at 07:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Type | VIRTUAL Event |
Join us for the Fencing Varsities Charity relay run on the 26th of March. Organised by Dublin University Fencing Club. Lockdown has been very difficult for everyone, and we can't have intervarsity's this year so we'll be donating to a charity supporting mental health!
You can join in anyway, such as running, walking, or cycling. The relay works in teams, where each person has a scheduled time to complete their distance, you don't have to physically meet to pass on the relay, but the next person must start their distance within 15 mins of the last person to pass on the relay.
To make up for the lack of competition that Intervarsity's would normally bring, there will be prizes for things like best distance, time spent moving, or fastest run. There will be more details to follow!
Starts | Mon 1st Mar 2021 at 07:00 |
Ends | Mon 15th Mar 2021 at 21:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 10 attendees |
Type | VIRTUAL Event |
UCC Fencing Club are hosting a charity event in aid of Concern Worldwide and Help2Kids, in place of their annual Schull Novice Competition.
Teams of up to 10 people can walk or run 200km in 2 weeks (the distance from Cork city to Schull and back).
This event runs from March 1st to March 15th so let us know if you would like to be part of the UL Fencing Club team!
Starts | Thu 10th Dec 2020 at 20:00 |
Ends | at 21:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Type | VIRTUAL Event |
Starts | Thu 22nd Oct 2020 at 20:00 |
Ends | at 22:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Type | VIRTUAL Event |
Hi everyone,
We are announcing that our annual general meeting (AGM) will take place on the 22nd of October at 8pm.
Positions on the Fencing Club committee are up for grabs, so be sure to join us! Being on committee is a great benefit to you in many ways! You will gain confidence, responsibility, organisation skills. You'll get to interact with UL Student Life and many other great clubs and socs! Not to mention being on committee for a club or soc looks great on your CV!
Every member is welcome, new and old. You can join here: https://meet.skynet.ie/fencing
We'll also be discussing club decisions and play some online games!
Starts | Wed 11th Mar 2020 at 19:00 |
Ends | at 21:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
A number of our members will be going on the UL RC run tomorrow at the Boat House. As club members we get a discounted entry fee of €3. See you there!
Starts | Thu 27th Feb 2020 at 06:00 |
Ends | at 21:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Hey everyone,
We'll be holding an EGM for the Fencing Club in week 5 to fill 2 committee positions and possibly recruit ordinary committee members. The positions up for grabs are:
There'll be free pizza so be sure to come along!
Starts | Sat 22nd Feb 2020 at 06:00 |
Ends | at 15:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
We'll be heading down on Saturday morning to the Dublin epeé men & women's competition. Please email ulfencingclub@gmail.com or talk to a committee member if you are interested in getting a lift with us. You'll also need to sign up with this form.
We are meeting in the free parking area between the UL Arena and the PESS Building.
See you there!
Starts | Tue 14th Jan 2020 at 18:00 |
Ends | at 22:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Hey everyone,
I hope you all had a great holiday! Fencing training will resume for current members on Tuesday 14th of January. Fortunately, no one else will be using the hall before us, so we use the hall from 6pm to 10pm. If you are thinking of going can you please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/LuVxXURn8GuuKMT49 . Thanks!
When the semester starts our training times will return to the normal 8.15pm to 10pm. Any new members wishing to join will unfortunately have to wait until the college semester starts.
Hope to see everyone next Tuesday,
Secretary, UL Fencing
Starts | Tue 3rd Dec 2019 at 18:00 |
Ends | at 22:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
UL Fencing is having an end of semester social night! What better way to round off a long semester than a few drinks? Join us for a chat and some laughs!
Starts | Tue 5th Nov 2019 at 00:00 |
Ends | Wed 13th Nov 2019 at 23:55 |
Cost | FREE |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
It's time UL Fencing had a new logo, so we have decided to hold a public competition. Send your submissions to ulfencingclub@gmail.com. Send us any ideas you have, from a quick sketch to a full design! Can't wait to see your creations!
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